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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

dynamipsetupuploader.gif (68726 bytes)

Active Check this box if you want to enable this particular connection.
Remote Host Name (or IP address) of your FTP server (e.g. ftp.alpha.edu). Do NOT put any paths or directory names into this field (the remote path must be specified together with the name of the remote file).

If you enter the value
<!--skip--> DynamIP will NOT upload the updated local file to your remote host. This is useful if you want to test whether your template gets updated properly. Alternatively, you can use <!--skip--> if you want to update files on your local server (there is no need to use FTP to update files on your local server, simply point to local file to the appropriate location and updating the local file is all you have to do to update the file on your local server...).

Login Your login id (for the FTP server).
Password Your password (for the FTP server). Warning: although all passwords are encrypted before they get stored to the file DynamIP.INI you should be aware of the fact that the encryption algorithm is rather simple and won't hold up serious hackers for too long...
Template ONline Path and file name of the ONline template (the file containing place holders for IP address, Date and Time, etc. that will be uploaded to the server when you go ONline); this file is a read-only file and DynamIP will never change this file. The updated file will be stored as LocalFile. Make sure that the template file name is different from the local file name; DynamIP does NOT work properly if these two file names are identical!

If you enter the value
<!--skip--> DynamIP will upload the raw local file without changing it. This is useful if you want to upload WebCam pictures (see also "refresh every").

Template OFFline Usually the same as Template ONline. However, if you want to upload a different page when you go OFFline you can choose a different template here.

If you enter the value
<!--skip--> DynamIP will upload the raw local file without changing it. This is useful if you want to upload WebCam pictures (see also "refresh every").

Local File Path and file name of the updated file (local copy). Make sure that the template file names are different from this local file name; DynamIP does NOT work properly if these two file names are identical!
Remote File Path and file name of the remote file (the Local File will be uploaded to this location). If your HTML file goes into your root directory on the server then you don't need to specify the path (e.g. DYNAMIP.HTM will work fine). However, you can specify the path if your HTML file must go into a particular directory (e.g. WWW/DYNAMIP.HTM if the file goes into your directory WWW). Do NOT put the IP address or the host name into this field!

Tip for GeoCities users:
You should NOT enter any directory information as you are automatically logged into your home directory. Only the file name is needed, e.g.

IP This is the place holder for your IP address in your template; this can be any string you like (NOT.ON.LINE.NOW works just fine and is probably quite useful). This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template, so that DynamIP can replace it with your current IP address before the file gets uploaded.

The strings for IP, DateTime, WEBchat, HTTP Server, and FTP Server must be different if you don't want to end up with a total mess being posted…
post last IP (OFFline) Place holder for the last known IP address (<!--IPlastknown--> is the default value). This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template.

Note that you must check the appropriate box just to the left of this text field if you want DynamIP to write the last know IP address to the OFFline web page (it won't work with the ONline web page as your current IP address is posted there).

DateTime Place holder for the current date/time; this can be any string you like ($DateTime works just fine). This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template.
HTTP Server|Port Place holder for your HTTP server. This is NOT the IP address (or the URL) of your web server, but a placeholder which DynamIP will replace with a piece of HTML code that will become a link to the HTTP server at your current IP address. This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template. The default value is HTTP Server NOT available. You can specify a port number for your web server (the default value is 80).
FTP Server|Port Place holder for your FTP server. This is NOT the IP address (or URL) of your FTP server, but a placeholder which DynamIP will replace with a piece of HTML code that will become a link to the FTP server at your current IP address. This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template. The default value is FTP Server NOT available. You can specify a port number for your FTP server (the default value is 21).
FTP UserID User ID that is inserted into the template if you check FTP Server. Default value is anonymous, but you can change this if you want your users to login with a particular ID (for example to find out from which particular web site they access your FTP server).
WEBcam |
Place holder for the link to the WEBcam picture file (<!--WEBcam--> is the default value). This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template. Note that you must check the appropriate box just to the left of this text field if you want DynamIP to update the WEBcam place holder with a link to the remote WEBcam picture.
... |
New Frame
If this option is checked DynamIP will capture a new frame from your camera just before the place holder for the link to the WEBcam picture is updated. Note that the Active box must be checked in Setup|WEBcam, otherwise the setting of New Frame is disregarded.
Remote WEBcam File | Path and file name of the remote WEBcam file (the local JPEG capture file will be uploaded to this location).

Note that you must check the box to the left of this text field if you want DynamIP to actually upload the file.

It is probably safest to upload the remote WEBcam file to the same directory as the Remote File, especially if you checked the WEBcam box and want DynamIP to automatically update the link to this remote WEBcam picture. If you don't specify a path in this field DynamIP will upload the Remote WEBcam file to the same path as the Remote File. If you specify a path, please note that the path is interpreted as relative to the path of the Remote File. Example:

To upload the remote file to WWW\index.htm you specify WWW\index.htm in the Remote File box. To upload the Remote WEBcam file to WWW\images\capture.jpg you specify images\capture.jpg in the Remote WEBcam File box.

Do NOT put the IP address or the host name into this field!

Tip for GeoCities users:
You should NOT enter any directory information as you are automatically logged into your home directory. Only the file name is needed, e.g. capture.jpg.

... |
If this option is checked DynamIP will generate  links to the last 10 capture files. This usually looks as follows: History: 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 current

See additional details regarding this setting at Setup|WEBcam under Capture Counter.

Immediate Retry on Failure If this option is checked DynamIP will immediately retry the failing operation. Otherwise DynamIP will wait for a while before retrying (this waiting period depends on various DynamIP settings, e.g. the Connection Verification Interval in the Tab DUN/RAS).
#Retries Specifies the number of attemps DynamIP makes to upload the file if it doesn't work out the first time.
Delete Remote File before Put This switch indicates whether you want DynamIP to delete the remote file before it uploads the new file. If the box is not checked, DynamIP attempts to overwrite your existing file which should preserve the file permission settings. Note, however, that some FTP servers do not allow overwrites. If you get the impression that your uploaded file never changes then you must probably check this option so that DynamIP deletes the old remote file before it attempts to upload the new one.
Binary Transfer This switch indicates whether you want DynamIP to upload the remote file as a binary file (as opposed to a text/ASCII file). Check this option for images and similar files, but not for HTML files.
WEBchat Check this option if you want DynamIP to update the WEBchat tag when going ONline. If this option is unchecked DynamIP will not update the WEBchat tag. Please note that you must also check the Active box of the tab WEBchat if you want to use WEBchat, i.e. checking this option without activating WEBchat is not sufficient for WEBchat to work properly.

The following settings are common to all Uploader connections:

AutoONline If AutoONline is checked DynamIP automatically uploads the ONline templates of all active Uploader entries whenever the IP address changes (this includes the change from [not connected] to something else [connected]).
AutoOFFline If AutoOFFline is checked DynamIP automatically uploads the OFFline templates of all active Uploader entries before disconnecting or shutting down. Note however, that this doesn't work if you lose your connection unexpectedly (e.g. if you ISP drops the connection) because uploading without an active connection is not possible.
DIPFTP Client Check this option if you want to upload files with the DIPFTP Client instead of using the built-in FTP control. If the Uploader works fine without checking this option you're better off leaving it unchecked.

Here you can read more about DIPFTP Client (includes source code so that you can build your own FTP client).

refresh every If you are connected DynamIP automatically uploads the ONline templates of all active Uploader entries at user-defined intervals (this is quite handy, for example, if you want to update a WebCam picture once a minute or so).

If you enter the value
<!--skip--> into the field "Template ONline" DynamIP will upload the raw local file without changing it. This is useful if you want to upload WebCam pictures.

Timeout DynamIP aborts the going ONline/OFFline process if the operation is not completed within the user-defined interval. This setting should be left at 65 seconds until multi-threading works properly.
FTP Proxy Type You can choose from the following options:
Direct Connection (NO Proxy)
Proxy (SITE)
Proxy (PROXY)
FTP Proxy|Port Enter the name (or IP address) of your proxy server and the port allocated to FTP.
FTP Proxy User ID Enter the user name (only if you need to logon to your proxy server).
FTP Proxy Password Enter password (only if you need to logon to your proxy server).


Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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